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Oxygen Experience

The logic of using oxygen in our eTherapy is easy to understand when looking at its multifaceted functions, namely:

  • antiviral, antibacterial in its triatomic form (ozone)
  • anti-pesticides, anti-pollutant
  • antitoxins, disinfectant
  • much better than chlorine and fluoride in the sterilizing of municipal water supplies due to lower cost and zero side-effects to the public
  • local treatment for hard-healing wounds (less to no scarring), fistulas, decubitus ulcers, and osteomyelitis
  • can also be used against gangrene (diabetic or Clostridium), staphylococcal infections, fungal and radiation lesions, herpes simplex and zoster
  • ozone insufflation for ulcerative colitis, fistulae, proctitis, hemorrhoids
  • major autohemotherapy for acute and chronic viral (hepatitis, AIDS), some carcinomas, circulatory disturbances

Add to this is the fact that humans are basically aerobic (thrives on oxygen) while parasites are anaerobic (can’t stand in an oxygen filled environment).

While we welcome all these antiparasitic properties, we will only use ozone primarily in the detoxification process through the ozonation of water which the client is absolutely required to take adequately (a minimum of 14 glasses per day) to help the liver and kidneys in flushing out the high volume of toxins (neutralized parasites) which may result from the use of Virutron, Shockwavv, and Agionixx. Not doing this simple task will result to the following symptoms of detoxification failures:

  • headache,
  • flu-like fever,
  • skin rashes/eruptions,
  • jaundice,
  • giddiness,
  • dizziness,
  • light-headed vagueness,
  • nausea,
  • itching, boils;
  • coughing,
  • kidney and liver discomfort,
  • aches, general malaise,
  • inflammations,
  • frequent urination, and
  • sluggishness.

YOU MUST DRINK ADEQUATE AMOUNT OF CLEAN WATER to avoid such symptoms. Normally, between 8-10 glasses are enough. But when you are under eTherapy, a minimum of 14 glasses should be taken. The worst that can happen if not enough water is taken will be a permanent damage on organs like liver and kidneys.

Don’t take huge amount of water in one instant. Spread your water intake hourly throughout a given day. Increase your daily dosage gradually towards the required minimum of 14 glasses a day. You should follow your own body’s demand for excreting liquids and fecal matter as promptly as possible to facilitate detoxification.

Again, allow us to reemphasize one more time that we can avoid all of the above annoyances if you take in plenty of ozonized water.

Another worth trying is once-a-week fasting where the subject takes only ozonized water and maybe some natural fruit juices in lieu of the regular meal. The logic here is that: the system could concentrate on the cleaning rather than on digesting and metabolising whatever you may have eaten for the whole day. If you ever decide to do so,  please read every literature concerning how you can proceed safelywith fasting , and do it gradually.

Ozone Detoxification is part of our protocol at eClinik Alternative Healthcare.

**When applicable, we will provide a brand new ozonizer which you (and your family) could use for this purpose. **